Sunday, April 4, 2010

Well I guess if you are going to turn 30, there is no better way to do it then to be surrounded by family and the cutest kids ever!! Earlier in the day we all went bowling, yea I bowled a 58!!! Even the children beat me! I'm so glad the Baskin Robbins brang back Daquiri Ice. It was a suprise for my all siblings since they all love it too.

It was great that we got to spend time with Luke and his family for Easter or PreEaster. We had a huge Easter egg hunt with all the kids, and to make it even more special the boys other Grandma and cousin came and played too! Hayden came away with some fun toys, cloths and lots of candy that I'm going to have to eat.

Hayden loving his Elmo. If you listen you can hear the poor baby's breathing, this was when he was sick. He would do this angry growl every time after he coughed it was sad and funny at the same time. And of course Sassy had to come be part of the action.